Here’s a RemiXx

Here’s a RemiXx

Here’s a RemiXx is the second rework of my piece Studies for Violin and Cello. Inspired by the mp3s’ grainy, overly compressed, and audio loss properties, I decided to offer a second perspective on my first attempt at a remix. This reiteration is darker. The tremolo bowings become glitchy flies panning everywhere in the space. The long strokes transform into airy synths, creating a desolated, ominous drone ambiance. Even though the source is from a traditional performance, in this version, the “organic” recognizable cello or violin gestures are overcompressed lost aliens within the mp3’s audio quality pops and wrongs. Miranda Cuckson’s and Caleb van der Swaagh’s original performance can be found in the Society of America on NY’s YouTube Channel.


Studies for Violin and Cello